
Spence Software

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s2WebEHS & HTML5

Fully Supports HTML 5

The technology market being saturated with smart devices with different screen sizes and resolutions, HTML5 allows users to have a consistent web experience across multiple devices.

It also means the the cost of supporting and learning web-applications are now significantly reduced, one user experience across all devices

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Integrations & Web services

Powerful s2WebEHS web services enables integration with all your systems

Web-Services enables companies to seamlessly connect their information systems and business processes with those of their partners and customers – thus ushering in a new “service oriented” distributed computing architecture.

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Hosted in the Cloud

A dedicated server hosted in your country

Dedicated server hosting allows users the protection of a cloud provider’s own systems for preventing cybercrime and other security threats.

Scalability and Flexibility, s2WebEHS provides Unlimited cloud storage, we will help grow your business

Data Backups, we guarantee you would never loose data with us. Every transaction is duplicated to a redundant server.

Savings, no need to maintain and expand your in-house server farms. And.. S2WebEHS is maintained by people that developed the system!

Convenience and Collaboration, data is available at all times. through you favorite web browser.

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Security in the cloud

With over two decades of experience in managed infrastructure, networking, and applications, Spence Software and its hosting provider knows IT inside and out so we’re uniquely qualified to secure it. We provide compliant, pervasive protection – for managed infrastructures and cloud services that we provide. From evaluation through validation — zero-day threat protection to catching old phishing schemes — our solutions help you become and remain virtually unstoppable.

Recovery in the cloud can happen before you ever need it. It starts with automatically and periodically performing an incremental restore of your computing environment to your hosting vendor. This means your entire environment—including backups of both structured and unstructured data—is already restored before it’s needed.

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