Flexible Pricing

Spence Software

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SCs Admin menu
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Unlimited users

checkbox green Unlimited users
checkbox green Pay only for the the applications you need
checkbox green Unlimited storage
checkbox green Customer Satisfaction Manager interactions are free

 Target Screen Type:
 Width 1-12
Move card to page

$30/month per named user

checkbox green Unlimited use of all s2WebEHS modules
checkbox green Unlimited storage
checkbox green New inspections are free
checkbox green Sharing Forms are free
checkbox green Corrective Actions are free
checkbox green Employee self-serve is free
checkbox green Customer Satisfaction Manager interactions are free

 Target Screen Type:
 Width 1-12
Move card to page
Request for Demo: Please enter your information below
First Name
Last Name
Job Title
We will contact you shortly, by email, with a date for your demo. Please dont hesitate to contact us at sales@spencesoftware.com if you have any questions.
 Target Screen Type:
 Width 1-12
Move card to page